Post General Election poll for the TUC: the full results

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Thursday, June 29th, 2017

At 10pm on Thursday 8th June, the polls closed in Britain’s snap General Election and results began rolling in. We quickly learned that the Conservative government had lost ground while Labour increased its vote share and number of seats. By morning, the result: a hung Parliament with the Conservatives as the largest party. On that same morning, 9th June, GQR began fieldwork on the Trades Union Congress’s post-election poll of Great Britain. It captured the views of over 3,000 people on the state of the country, the main parties and the key policies discussed during the election campaign.

Today we publish full results from the poll, which offer a deep and detailed look at the attitudes behind how people voted, and point toward some key areas of policy debate in the coming Parliament; not least austerity and public spending, workers’ rights and the Brexit negotiations. We hope you’ll find the results of interest and that this evidence makes a positive contribution to ongoing discussion and debate about the direction of the country.

The project was led by Stan Greenberg and Peter McLeod, and advised by James Morris of Edelman.


·         Click here for an interactive portal where you can create customized charts of the results.
·         Download a detailed presentation of key findings, here
·         Download the questionnaire with topline data, here
·         Download data tables, here


Coverage in the Huffington Post

Some key results from the poll have been covered by the Huffington Post:

·         Tory Voters Want An End To The Public Sector Pay Freeze, New GQR/TUC Poll Shows
·         What Jeremy Corbyn Must Do To Become The Next Prime Minister
·         It’s (Still) The Economy, Stupid! Jobs More Important To Voters Than Immigration, New Poll Shows


Past surveys

GQR ran post-election polls for the TUC following the 2016 EU Referendum, and the 2015 UK General Election. Results from those studies were also published:

·         2016 EU Referendum post-election poll results
·         2015 General Election post-election poll results


For more information, please contact Peter McLeod, on Twitter @mcleodp or