This article by GQR Vice President Brian Paler was originally published by The Hill on June 21, 2020.
In a new op-ed titled “American Democracy Needs a Shrink” for The Hill, Vice President Brian Paler argues that Americans on both sides of the political spectrum are too inclined to see the upcoming election as a cure-all for the worsening ills of American democracy. Yet, no matter who wins in November, at a minimum, the losing party will immediately set out to impede and demonize the incoming President; or worse, will not accept his legitimacy, plunging our democracy to new depths of peril.
In addition to the various crises America currently faces, many of our issues have a psychological component. We increasingly dislike each other; we’re overwhelmed by bad information; we’re slow to understand rapidly changing norms on race, gender, and LGBTQ issues. For good advice on COVID from a professional, we can look to Dr. Fauci or the Surgeon General. But shouldn’t someone also be responsible for the mental health of America?
To read the full opinion piece, click HERE.